Tuesday, June 21, 2011

India Congress mixing Faith with Politics

As a Sikh we believe in concept of Saint Soldier, this literally means that faith goes hand in hand with politics. You cant live the life of a yogi in the mountains whilst the tyrants oppress the nation. Faith molds  us to become conscious human beings whom look after nature and each other yet the west in particular the secular media seems to suggest politics and faith should be kept at arms lengths of each other. I often feel if the state truly embraced the essence of faith and its teachings we would have a free and more fair society. 

The following article on The Wall Street Journal looks at the Congress Party of India and how it plays with religion for political gain, it focuses on the recent strife Ramdev yogi has found him self in. 
Until Saturday night, when one of India’s best-known yoga gurus escaped from a Delhi police crackdown in female clothing — setting off peals of laughter across the country — the ruling Congress-led government looked in danger of being caught in the catatonic thrall of saffron-clad godmen and women.
Instead, we can now credit Baba Ramdev with helping the Congress party rediscover its political spine. His use of unparliamentary language against senior party leaders; his welcoming to the stage of Sadhvi Ritambhara, a Hindu nun whose venomous tirades against Muslims climaxed during the demolition of the Babri mosque in 1992; and his accusation of “treachery” against the government’s interlocutors were more than the Congress party could bear, forcing it to reassert its authority, somewhat brutally, early Sunday morning.


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